Welcome to Data Harvesting for Agriculture!
Introduction to Programming with R and RStudio
In programming there is certain terminology we need to learn: variables, variable types, functions
Use variable <- value to assign a value to a variable in order to record it in memory.
Use read.csv to read data in to R
Introduction to QGIS
Geospatial data and boundaries
It is preferred to use sf for data analysis, making it easier to access the dataframe.
Projecting your data in utm is necessary for many of the geometric operations you perform (e.g. making trial grids and splitting plots into subplot data)
Different data formats that you are likely to encounter include gpkg , shp (cpg , dbf , prj , sbn , sbx ), geojson , and tif .
Trial Design
Most of the code in this part would be using the functions, therefore understanding what different functions can be quite important
In designing the trials, the most important thing is to know how to design the experimental rates,and the tech part can be done by someone else
Trial Data
sf is prefereable for data analysis; it is easier to access the dataframe
Projecting your data in utm is necessary for many of the geometric operations you perform (e.g. making trial grids and splitting plots into subplot data)
Compare different data formats, such as gpkg, shp(cpg,dbf,prj,sbn,sbx),geojson,tif
Data Cleaning and Aggregation
Comparison operators such as > , < , and == can be used to identify values that exceed or equal certain values.
All the cleaning in ArcGIS/QGIS can be done by R, but we need to check the updated shapefile in ArcGIS/QGIS. Including removing observations that has greater than 2sd harvester speed, certain headlands, or being too close to the plot borders
The filter function in dplyr removes rows from a data frame based on values in one or more columns.
SSURGO & Weather Data
sf is preferable for data analysis; it is easier to access the dataframe
Projecting your data in utm is necessary for many of the geometric operations you perform (e.g. making trial grids and splitting plots into subplot data)
Compare different data formats, such as gpkg, shp(cpg,dbf,prj,sbn,sbx),geojson,tif
SSURGO & Weather Data
sf is preferable for data analysis; it is easier to access the dataframe
Projecting your data in utm is necessary for many of the geometric operations you perform (e.g. making trial grids and splitting plots into subplot data)
Compare different data formats, such as gpkg, shp(cpg,dbf,prj,sbn,sbx),geojson,tif